Friday, April 1, 2011

Happenings & Some More of the Design Bug

Well it has been a BUSY few weeks, but things have been going very well. School is wrapping up for the semester- I only have 3 weeks of class left and cannot say how excited I am for a break!  I am learning so much with my new job and am loving every minute of it. I only have two more things to do finish decorating my office, then pics will be up (for the few that want to see lol).  There is so much to learn in the wedding/management world. It is completely different to see it in action than learn theories in class, but it's all good because I'm loving it even more in action! We shall see where it leads. :)

Since my crazy test schedule is wrapping up, I've decided to tackle spring cleaning this year AND finish all the decor I want to do. Thanks to Real Simple's new issue and their many spring cleaning shortcuts, it doesn't seem NEARLY as daunting a task as it normally does. Check it out here. Hopefully you'll be as inspired as I was. This is one of my fave magazines with amazing decor inspiration and great tips for keeping it up! AND their covers are always eye-catching. I mean who could resist a cute little chick on a stack of spring colored towels?

I have already found what I think will be the next piece for our bedroom and I am so excited about it - I just hope the color works as well as it looks like it will from the website. Don't you hate it when you think it will and it doesn't? I've always wanted a little reading/getting ready nook in my bedroom. I already have the great shelf, just the need the right chair to complete it. The biggest issue is size, but I think this chair passes that test. I do need to make sure the pattern of the chair won't fight the semi-geometric pattern of our bedding but I have high hopes.

So I'm still going for that modern romantic look, and I'm thinking this will go brilliantly. I'm having a lot of fun seeing this vision come together, and I cannot wait till this is done. I think I'm going to make decor/design a new hobby of mine - especially since we may be buying a house within the next year or so. Then the REAL fun will start ; ) Hope everyone has a great weekend!


  1. I care and want to see pictures of your cute little office! :) And I may need your design expertise on two rooms in the new house... I think it's about time for a visit to Atlanta!!!

  2. Haha I'm so glad you read it! I'm trying to not post a new post on FB to see how many ppl just keep up with my blog ;) And you will be seeing pics soon - I have 2 more empty walls to figure out then it's camera time! And I would LOVE to help you with that..when can we come? Haha hope you guys are doing well!
