Sunday, January 1, 2012

Become Beautiful

Six months, literally, have past by without me so much as checking my blog. A lot has happened in those six months - for example, a promotion, the beginning of house hunting, and oh yes, a new year has made its way into our life. We have grown in our marriage and are looking forward to celebrating our second anniversary in just 6 short months. Just a little side note - I cannot believe it has almost been two years already!

So usually, I attempt the whole New Year's resolution thing. I believe the longest it ever lasted was about a month. Considering that these resolutions are supposed to be things that become a constant part of making your life better, I don't necessarily consider that a success. This year, I've decided to have a running theme, if you will, for the year. Something to focus on and really strides toward other than a list of things I constantly feel like I have to check off the list. I ran across this verse a few weeks ago, and it just stuck with me. 
1 Peter 3:4 – Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading
beauty of a gentle & quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.

I've decided to make my theme "Become Beautiful" based on this verse. I have a handful of things that I'm focusing on that will lead me in that direction. I'm not sure if I going to share them or not or even if I'll add to the list as the year goes on. I just really hope and pray to make this my focus for the year so by the end of 2012, I can see some real, definitive changes in who I am. Far to often, I focus on perfecting the outside while I have so much work to do on the inside. Feel free to make it part of your year as well. Whether you do or not, say a prayer for me because I'm sure it won't be an easy task. When is change ever that? ;)  What do you need to do to become beautiful in 2012? 

Become Beautiful 

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